
Audio Visual

Audio Visual (AV) is an innovative tool as is almost always used within a business environment. When used properly, AV allows you to share powerful messages with your audience and encourages interaction which in turn will leave a lasting memory of your presentation. The technology behind AV can bring your content to life, helping your audience to engage with your messaging through visual content, sound, lighting, or improved interaction.

Talkwire are an independent supplier of Audio Visual systems including installation, maintenance and service support. We provide a wide variety of AV equipment to clients and with a considered AV system in place, the presenter can concentrate on their delivery rather than struggling with the technology involved.

Designing and implementing an Audio Visual solution involves a digital mix of technologies from different manufacturers. At Talkwire, we are proud of our dedicated supply chain, and work closely with our trusted manufacturers to obtain the very best solutions for our customers.

Our systems focus on reliability, incorporating the world’s leading interface technology which is easy to navigate, transport and use in meeting and presentation environments. The AV equipment that we provide is guaranteed and alongside standard manufacturer warranties, we offer our own service support package on all the systems we install which include ongoing troubleshooting, maintenance and guidance.

If you would like to arrange a meeting or discuss your requirements in more detail, just get in touch by calling 01225 899 861.

Video Conferencing

Does your business have meeting and conference rooms but no advanced technology to collaborate with others?

Would you like to be able to see every movement in a meeting and have a crystal-clear reception to avoid missing any fine detail in conversations?

Video Conferencing (VC) equipment is a simple and cost-effective solution that is easy to implement and will save time and money on travelling long distances for meetings and conferences. Along with AV equipment, Talkwire blends the latest video and control assets by designing and installing equipment to give the perfect solution for meetings, presentations and content sharing experiences.

With the combined use of AV and VC equipment, your business will have the power to collaborate and interact with customers, team members and stakeholders, no matter where they are or what device they are using.

We have partnered with specialist manufacturers to provide the very best hardware, software, and support in the Video Conferencing market place.

At Talkwire, we also have Technical System Specialists that fully understand the different equipment and can configure plans to tailor the requirements based on the meeting or conference room layout and infrastructure. In addition to offering the equipment, Talkwire can supply our custom-built conference cabinets as part of an entire conference solution. We can design and install the overall lighting solution, add acoustic panels as required and make decor recommendations to not only optimise camera tracking but also add to your corporate branding.

These cabinets have been designed to obtain the best possible housing for the codex, cabling and additional accessories such as Apple TV's and Blu-ray players that present the camera at the perfect height to capture all participants. Network managers can also be rest assured as the newly designed cabinets have added locks, vents and cooling fans which keeps the equipment protected, safe and secure at all times.

If you would like to arrange a meeting or discuss your requirements in more detail, just get in touch by calling 01225 899 861.